group 2 of st. veronica! | de vera | :3 | peno | :o | tabigue | :) | sarayno | :D | balili | ;o | torillo | group 2 of st. veronica!

welcome to the senior's wall!

take a look around?

this site acts as the main base for students of our group to express themselves and ponder further about the impact of ict. we're all students of st. veronica from the university of immaculate conception, all under different strands. we may have different paths, but one thing for sure is that we all appreciate technology in our strands!

we believe that technology enhances the way we learn the information we get from our strands. from doing most of our research on the internet to connecting with other people as well, it brings a lot of ideas and improves a lot of aspects of our student lives where it is certain that without technology, we wouldn't know as much as we know now.

this website was made to fulfill the q3 pt of ets.